Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling

The annual Cheese Rolling Festival is back again this year! The tradition which is thought to be at least 200 years old has become more popular with each year. Last year it is estimated that there were over 2000 people present to witness this bizarre but increasingly popular event with contestants as well as spectators and media coming from across the world. The objective is simple (or so it may seem) - it is to catch the 8lb Double Gloucester Cheese, which has a one second head start, as it rolls 90 metres down the steep ( 1:2 gradient) slope. This years cheese rolling will be taking place on Monday 27th May 2013 at 12:00 midday, so why not go and watch as competitors slip, somersault and make their way to the bottom of the hill in pursue of the Double Gloucester surely highly entertaining viewing!! The event has become so popular that its even inspired a cheese rolling game for the i-phone! For more information click here Our closests properties to Coopers Hill are: The Granary Southam (sleeps 4) Bredon Cottage Prestbury (sleeps 4) Leckhampton Cottage Prestbury (sleeps 4) Click here to view all our Cotswold Cottages Photo credit: Hauggen


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